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Qaf Runddel 

Site Specific work At PS44 Kunsthal 44Møen
Hand blown Glass 


 A wooden path guides the visitors through the dimly lit room, leading them to encounter the body of a magical creature crafted from hand-blown transparent glass spheres. Cut in half and placed across the two rooms of the old smithy, the full figure can only be fully perceived when standing on the threshold between the spaces. Rather than dividing its form into two halves, the wall functions as a connection, allowing the sculpture to be perceived in multiple dimensions.


The title Qaf Runddel references two distinct elements. On one hand, it alludes to Mount Qaf, a legendary mountain in Sufi cosmology, which discusses the creation of man and the Universe, symbolizing the center of everything. The cosmic mountain where the natural and supernatural realms converge, establishing a link between the terrestrial and celestial worlds. The path to Qaf signifies the pilgrim's journey through spiritual states. On the other hand, the term "Runddel" (Danish for roundabout) takes this spiritual concept from its original context and places it within the rational circularity of Danish infrastructure.

The creature within Qaf Runddel inhabits a liminal space, existing between reality and magic, where nuanced layers await those who wish to unravel them. In the pursuit of these liminal spaces, Qaf Runddel embraces the spiritual, the magical, and the unknown, forging connections ignited by the intricate physics of harnessing fire as a transformative tool, molding liquid glass into solid matter.


The sculpture's fabrication is the result of a collaboration between the artist and Møn glassmaster Per-René Larsen. In the process is a mesmerizing dance, intertwining the exchange of technical knowledge with time and personal stories, revealing the intersection of their two worlds—different backgrounds, genders, and generations. At the core of this collaboration, the shared experiences seamlessly merge into a shape that exists solely within this unique context, inviting dreams and fantasies to ignite, akin to a nexus where everything converges at Qaf Runddel.

Qaf Runddel poster
Qaf Runddel hand blown glass representing the liminal space

photo by Thomas Gunnar Bagge

Qaf Runddel

photo by Thomas Gunnar Bagge

Video by Samara 

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